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Showing posts from June, 2024

Humorus Thoughts

Dear Friends, I officiated at a wedding this past Saturday. In the message I spoke about 6 necessary ingredients for a healthy marriage, the 4th being, "Laugh & Do Fun Things Together.” Yet, as I shared that point, I mentioned I have not always been very good at that, since I tend to take life seriously. I even mentioned how I still need to work on that – a point on which my wife Nancy agreed! So, today I decided to do something I’ve never done since I started sending out these thoughts out 16 years ago today (the first was sent out on June 25, 2008, making about 800 to date)! I’m going to try my hand at humor. If it’s a disaster, please let me know and I will avoid any forays into it again! I have tried telling jokes from the pulpit, but usually no one laughs until I tell them it was a joke – then they laugh! I’ve selected some I hope will bring a smile to your face. If not, please forgive me! Enjoy. “In the 1800’s a Presbyterian minister in Scotland was

Thoughts From Peter Bellingham

Dear Friends, I can remember the very first time I was asked to get up and share a message at church. I was so nervous I passed on the invitation. Therefore, I have much respect for people who get up to preach, but especially for people who street-preach! It is a gift I wish I had! So, when I got an update from a friend in England (who was formerly a missionary in Honduras where I met him) I wanted to share it. It’s about a recent day when he went to the town square in Oswestry, England, and preached to whoever would stop to listen. I found it very encouraging. I hope you do as well. His name is Peter Bellingham and he has a church called, “The Well” in Oswestry. Should you want to see more about his ministry here is the link: He gave me permission to share this. Pray for him and his church. This update is entitled: “May Words be Given.” Enjoy. “When I preached on the streets of Oswestry today, I lost count of the number of p

Thoughts on Cheerfulness From the Puritans

Dear Friends, I was looking through a book this morning which changed my mind! I was going to send out some thoughts in regard to fear and how we can overcome it. But instead, I decided to send out thoughts regarding gladness, cheerfulness, joy, or happiness in the Christian life. Some may be surprised, since it is a book full of quotes by the Puritans! After all, isn't the commonly heard saying by H. L. Mencken: “Puritanism is the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, might be having fun.” But as one who did my doctoral dissertation on the Puritans, I have to wonder if Mencken ever read anything written by the Puritans, or whether he simply parroted falsehoods which others who have never read the Puritans continue to parrot. Because people who have actually read the Puritan’s will know they nearly uniformly encouraged people not to be judgmental, critical, dour, sullen, gloomy, or mean-spirited. In fact, ALL the following quotes on cheerfulness, and the need for it i

Thoughts From Robert Gelinas

Dear Friends, Last week I stopped in at a discount store and found a book on sale for 75% off. I’m a sucker for a good deal, but even more so, I’m drawn to interesting titles, like: “The Mercy Prayer – The One Prayer Jesus Always Answers.” The author’s name is Robert Gelinas. I had never heard of him, but I thought I’d risk the $3.99! The premise of the book is that four times in the gospels people in great need cried out to Jesus, “Lord have mercy” (Mt. 9:27, Mt. 15:22, Mt. 20:30, Lk. 17:13). Not only does that make it the most prayed prayer in the Bible, but one that is answered each time it was prayed! And, yes, it is a good book! So today I thought I would offer you a selection entitled, “Mercy Assumes We Are Sinners.” If you happen to carry guilt or shame, you will (I believe) find comfort in his words. Enjoy. “Many times, those who prayed the mercy prayer didn’t just say, “Lord have mercy.” No. They ended the most prayed prayer recognizing