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Showing posts from December, 2021

Thoughts From Regina Brett

Dear Friends, I'm in no way a relationship guru, as anyone who knows me knows very well! Never have been, never will be! In fact, I tend to have an aversion to such books. Yet, after picking up a copy of a book entitled -- "God Never Blinks" by Regina Brett (at a bargain basement), I found this selection on 'relationships' very intriguing. That was especially true after I read this part of her introduction: "It took me 40 years to find and hold on to happiness. I always felt that the moment I was born, God must have blinked. He missed the occasion and never knew I had arrived... I ended up confused by the nuns at age 6, a lost soul who drank too much at 16, an unwed mother at 21, a college graduate at 30, a single mother for 18 years, and finally, a wife at 40, married to a man who treated me like a queen. Then I got cancer at 41. It took a year to fight it, then a year to recover from the fight. When I turned 45, I lay in bed reflecting on all li

Thoughts From Joachim Jeremias

Dear Friends, Today's "thought" is superb, insightful, scriptural, and helpful. It accurately shows THE major difference between the gracious message of Jesus (in light of society's moral corruption) and the teaching of more self-righteous groups (in light of society's moral corruption). There are few who have said it so well in so few words. But it will require you to put on your thinking caps. It will require you to follow the contrast he must use to point out the many differences between the Essenes (a holiness movement that separated from the world to go off and live in the Judean wilderness) and the Followers of Jesus (who were encouraged not to go off into the wilderness, or be of the world, yet at the same time remain in the midst of it - John 17:14-16). It comes to you from a man named Joachim Jeremias, and is found in his book, "New Testament Theology" - though it could more accurately be called, "The Theology of Jesus.&q