Dear Friends, Have you ever questioned your faith? Have you ever struggled with doubts? Have you ever thought you lost your faith – are you there now? If so I wanted to share this story of when the great evangelist Dr. Billy Graham came to such a crisis point in relation to doubt in his own life – and what it led him to do. I know everyone is different, and the struggles vary, but just knowing that a man of such faith struggled so intensely with doubt (even after being an evangelist) and came to that crisis point of teetering on the edge, only to come back and remain true – can be a shot in the arm to those in the same place. This “thought,” written by his grandson Will Graham in 2014, is entitled, “The Tree Stump Prayer – When Billy Graham Overcame Doubt” and includes excerpts from Billy Graham’s autobiography, “Just As I Am” published in 1997. Enjoy. “At the midpoint of the 20th century, he had already been an evangelist with ‘Youth for Christ’ and had preached across Europe ...
Encouraging and Inspirational Christian Thoughts