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Showing posts from December, 2019

Happy New Year!

Dear Friends, I guess that since it's New Years Eve I should start by wishing you a Happy New Year! In fact, since it is New Years Eve, I started out earlier looking for a prayer to send out that would express what I would want for us all this upcoming year. Unfortunately I could not find one that said exactly what I hoped it would say, so I ended up writing one myself. I know my thoughts are usually taken from the books of others, but this one is from me personally to you. It's my prayer for all of us in the upcoming year. May His blessings rest upon you. A New Year's Prayer Merciful God - Father of our Lord Jesus Christ - we pause on this last day of December to give you thanks for so graciously sustaining us through yet another year. Forgive us that like little children hoping to receive even more gifts, we are so prone at times like this to forget to simply offer you thanks for all the countless blessin

Thoughts From Molly Hare

Dear Friends, Advent greetings to you all! Today I offer you a "thought" that centers around one who was not welcomed. It parallels a distinct theme in the Christmas story which most all of you know well. Mary and Joseph get to Bethlehem only to discover there was no room for them in the Inn. Later they had to flee for their lives, as refugees, to the land of Egypt. And it didn't end there. John recounts it as an ongoing theme of Jesus later ministry as well: 'Though the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize Him. He came to His own, but His own did not receive Him..." (John 1:10-11). The following selection comes to you from Molly Hare, an associate campus outreach worker at Clemson University. She works with the CCO (The Coalition for Christian Outreach), a Christian ministry that reaches out on college campuses across the U.S. Matthew West, our pastor of outreach, is a CCO staff-person reaching out at the local Bucks Com