Dear Friends, This week's thought is entitled: "Resiliency, or The Art of Bouncing Back" and comes to you from a man named Mike Glenn (written July 24, 2020). In a fallen world that is far from perfect, and where none of us are ever entirely safe from sickness, suffering, trials and struggles, his words hit home. The Bible calls it endurance. But resilience and endurance don't just happen. Resilient people have learned helpful ways to view difficulties, prepare themselves for difficulties, and walk through difficulties. Glenn is no different. The following excerpt tells what he learned. Enjoy. "...We live in one of three places: we are either in the storm, just coming out of a storm, or about to go into a storm. That’s it. How we get through the moments of challenge depends on what we do in those moments of quiet between the storms of our lives. You hear it all of the time. If you attend church at all, you’ve heard someone talk about the necessi
Encouraging and Inspirational Christian Thoughts