Dear Friends, Most of you have probably heard bits and pieces of the story of Corrie ten Boom mustering up the strength to forgive the man who was the cruel camp guard at Ravensbrück concentration camp during WWII. I had as well. But there were parts I never knew until I read this excerpt from the same book I quoted from last time – Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody, by Allen R. Hunt. I struggled with shortening it, as I know long posts simply get skipped over. Yet, in the end, I included what I felt was necessary for those unfamiliar with her story to understand the immense struggle it took her to forgive. May you be blessed (and challenged) as you read. And if you have not seen the movie, “The Hiding Place” I would strongly encourage you to see it! Enjoy. “Casper ten Boom ran a watchmaker’s shop in the lowest floor of his house in the Nazi occupied city of Haarlem, in Holland. Upstairs his daughter Corrie emerged as a chief organizer of an underground movement to rescue Jews. In
Encouraging and Inspirational Christian Thoughts