Dear Friends, Today I offer you 15 thoughts to ponder. They are from various authors past and present. I trust that even though some may not 'hit the spot' for you, others will. Enjoy. "If your God never disagrees with you, you may just be worshipping an idealized version of yourself." Tim Keller "By depicting a Samaritan helping a Jew, Jesus could not have found a more forceful way to say that anyone at all in need, regardless of race, politics, class and religion, is your neighbor. Not everyone is your brother or sister in the faith, but everyone is your neighbor, and you must love your neighbor." Tim Keller "We are prone to inscribe our trials in marble and write our blessings in sand." Charles Spurgeon "Morality may keep you out of jail, but it takes the blood of Jesus Christ to keep you out of hell." Charles Spurgeon "If you never
Encouraging and Inspirational Christian Thoughts