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Showing posts from April, 2020

More Thoughts From Charles Spurgeon

Greetings Friends, Some days are slower than others. For me, today is not one of them! Therefore, I will be sending out a much shorter thought! I spoke with someone on a call earlier today and they mentioned how they bought a book I recommended -- "Beside Still Waters - Words of Comfort for the Soul." It is a book with the writings of Charles Spurgeon updated into today's language by Roy Clarke. In our conversation she said, "It's amazing how many of them speak so clearly into what we are going through now." In light of her words I simply opened my copy and decided to send the first one I looked at. She was right. Enjoy. "God has fixed the time of our death (Job 7:1). It is useless to dream of living here forever. A time of departure must come unless the Lord returns. If He returns before our departure, then "we who are alive and remain shall be caught up... in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the

20 Short Thoughts

Dear Friends, Today I send you 20 short thoughts to ponder as you are holed up in your homes looking for things to do! We did not ask for this, but it is a good time to re-learn the somewhat forgotten art of Christian meditation or spiritual contemplation, seeking to focus on the fuller or more comprehensive meaning (or application) contained in just a few short words or sentences. Sometimes short "one-liners" can have a powerful impact when one pauses to consider all that has been packed into them. Enjoy. “For He Himself IS our peace...” Apostle Paul (Ephesians 2:14) “God doesn’t love us because of our worth, we are of worth because God loves us.” Martin Luther “The Christian life is not a constant high. I have moments of deep discouragement. I have to go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes and say, “O God forgive me,” or “Help me.” Billy Graham “We shall never be clothed with the righteousness of Christ except we first know assuredly that we have no acc

Thoughts From Dr. David Strain

Dear friends, Today I wanted to send out a thought that was passed on to me as a word of comfort for these times. It is a devotional entry by Dr. David Strain entitled, "God Is Infinite." Hard as it is for finite people to grasp the infinite nature of God as presented in the Bible, in times like this there is little we could benefit from more. Reading what he has to say will be worth your time. Some points are corrective, but they are corrective for the purpose of restoring to us the hope and help we gain from adhering to a correct understanding of who God is. May his words be a helpful reminder of the truth we need to lean upon in these times. Enjoy. GOD IS INFINITE "The distinction between the Creator and the creature lies at the base of all good theology (all that is true about God). The temptation to remake God in our own image, to make ourselves bigger and God smaller, is constant and real. "Finitum non capax infinitum" (the finite cannot com

Sustaining Essentials of the Christian Faith

Greetings Friends, In times of change and stress and the looming unknown, people often turn to see if there is a contemporary voice crying in the wilderness offering some new insight or spiritual counsel to get them through. I listened to one such person who said he had heard from God and God had told him that the scenario the experts were painting was not God's plan. But the problem I had was that when he shared what God had told him, it sounded an awful lot like the American Dream put in God's mouth - health, wealth and prosperity. Others seem intent on trying to keep everything positive, having learned the lesson of painting a dreary outlook which led to people making a run on the banks and causing the stock market crash leading us into the Great Depression. But don't get me wrong: I'm not opposed to optimism, or giving people hope! As a minister of the Gospel that's part of my calling! But I do need to be clear: My hope is not in optimism. My ho