Dear Friends, With the heavily publicized "Presidential Debate" being aired tonight, and the election looming large in the American psyche, I thought I would offer some wise counsel from church leaders (past and present) whose opinions and advice I respect and find very discerning - especially with an eye toward maintaining unity in the Body of Christ. For in the long run (and I know this will sound shocking to some) the unity of the Body of Christ on earth is far more important than who gets elected in five weeks. After all, few remember the arguments that raged between Governor Grover Cleveland the Democrat from New York, and Governor James Blaine the Republican from Maine, leading up to the 1884 election - though at that time they seemed so all-important to so many. Satan's strategy is to distract, divide, and conquer, for as Jesus noted - every kingdom (nation-state), city, or household that is divided against itself, will not stand (Matt. 12:25). And althoug
Encouraging and Inspirational Christian Thoughts