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Thoughts From Peter Bellingham

Dear Friends,

I can remember the very first time I was asked to get up and share a message at church. I was so nervous I passed on the invitation. Therefore, I have much respect for people who get up to preach, but especially for people who street-preach! It is a gift I wish I had! So, when I got an update from a friend in England (who was formerly a missionary in Honduras where I met him) I wanted to share it. It’s about a recent day when he went to the town square in Oswestry, England, and preached to whoever would stop to listen. I found it very encouraging. I hope you do as well.

His name is Peter Bellingham and he has a church called, “The Well” in Oswestry. Should you want to see more about his ministry here is the link: He gave me permission to share this. Pray for him and his church. This update is entitled: “May Words be Given.” Enjoy.

“When I preached on the streets of Oswestry today, I lost count of the number of people who stopped to thank me for what I was doing. Christians and non-Christians, of both genders, and various ages. One young man - Simon - shook my hand and said “I am not particularly religious. But what you are doing is so important and I want to thank you.”

As I reflected on Simon later, I remembered an almost identical conversation about 8 years ago in Shrewsbury. A young man had stopped me and said, “Are you the man who stands here sometimes and shouts about God?” “Yes, I am.” “Well, I am not religious, but I wanted to thank you and tell you that what you are doing is great.” Two years later I led that young man to the Lord. He is now part of our Oswestry church. Just this morning, before going out to preach, I met up with him to read the Bible and discuss it together. We try to do that every week, currently working through the gospel of Mark.

An older woman approached me today right after I had spoken with Simon. She said, “I want to agree with everything that young man just said to you.” “Thank you,” I replied, “Why do you agree?” She said, “You may not remember me, but we spoke a year ago when you were preaching. I had just lost my husband. You were so helpful. I am still in-between believing and not believing. But I have met other people like you, who talk about God and also, like you, who live it.” It’s interesting that she can tell that I ‘live’ it, only having met me twice, on the streets. We should not underestimate the power of the witness the Holy Spirit gives to people, a witness to who we really are.

I reminded her of the story in Mark 9 of the man who needed Jesus to heal his demon-possessed son. Jesus said, “All things are possible for one who believes.” The father responded, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief!” She asked me where to find this in the Bible. I showed her and encouraged her to pray in exactly the same way.

I had no idea what I would preach today until I stood at the stone cross - or actually where the stone cross used to be until it was destroyed in May last year - and opened my Bible. I had set aside time to pray and prepare early this morning - but when I began praying, the Lord laid on my heart that He would show me later. Then I sat in my car just before going out, again asking Him what He wanted me to preach about. Again, He laid on my heart that He would show me later. That ‘later’ was in the moment of actually standing up to speak. This often happens.

One theme that God led me to preach on was humility. How when we were young, we may have thought we were in some ways invincible. But then things happen in our life, things that humble us. We realize we are not invincible; we need help. The most important kind of humility is to recognize that we need God. God can humble us. But it is much better not to wait for life - or God - to humble us. It’s infinitely preferable to make a choice before that happens… A choice to humble ourselves before God. The one who humbles himself will be exalted. The one who exalts himself will be humbled. I am thankful for all the people who stopped to thank me - because in doing so they were humbling themselves and gratefully acknowledging our mutual need for God. I was grateful for their sakes - because Jesus said, “He who receives anyone I send, receives Me.” (John 13:20)

Several told me how bold I am to do this. One of them was the widow I mentioned earlier. I replied that the ability to do this is a gift from God; it is not from me. She agreed, saying that she trained in Italy as an opera singer. She said Italians are very good at composing music and that the Italian language lends itself to song, as it has so many vowels. In other words, Italians are musically gifted. I asked if she enjoys Andrea Bocelli. She does, she said, very much. I replied that he is humble. He knows where his gift comes from. She answered, “Yes, he does. And he shares it with others.” Everything we have is from God (1 Cor 4:7; James 1:17). Our job is to take it, train it, and use it – however He directs us to.

In a time when men’s hearts are failing them because of fear; in a generation that knows levels and depths of anxiety like no other generation; in the midst of a people whose minds and lives have been colonized by the darkness and negativity of the enemy (much of it through the internet); the Lord has prepared a table for us. A table prepared by Him in the very presence of our enemies. But Jesus turns the tables on the enemy. Mark 2 tells us that many tax collectors and sinners reclined with Jesus, eating at His table, in His house. They were drawn to Him because He is ‘the Way, the Truth, and the Life.’ They wanted to hear what He says, and they wanted to be around Him, because He is Life. Let us not stand aloof from the table. Let us feast with Him and let us share the good gift of the Holy Spirit which He so liberally gives to us.”

I admire people like Peter and find the stories of his street-preaching endeavors fascinating. Not all are called to this type of ministry, obviously! Some would die of fright! It is unquestionably a gift (as he admits). Yet, if we are believers, we are all called (in some way, shape, or form) to share the Gospel with the unbelieving world around us.

So pray: “Lord Jesus, who might I share you with today?” Or pray: “Lord Jesus, use me today to speak your truth and grace into someone’s life. I’m here. I’m available. I know you want me to. Please overcome my hesitations. I do want to be used by you, show me where and how. Amen.” Then be ready, and do not be surprised when he sends someone your way!

Remember what Paul said to “Timid Timothy” - “God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love, and of sound mind.” (I Timothy 1:7). Don’t let fear hold you back! You don’t need to be fearless; you just have to remember God will assist you. As Martin Luther (known for his great courage) once rightly told people: “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the refusal to capitulate to your fears.” Don’t let fear have the last word.

In the Name of Him who is Faithful, Pastor Jeff


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