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Thoughts From Martin Copenhaver

Dear Friends,

It is so important, in regard to a healthy prayer life, that we have an intimate relationship with God. Jesus had that and modeled it to us by sharing with us his preferred name for God – Abba. It leads me to ask: “How do you address God in prayer?” It does make a difference. Yet, interestingly, I have found over the years that many people struggle with intimacy with God, often because they had no intimate relationship with their own earthly dad or parental figure – something Martin Luther struggled with.

Today’s selection offers us insight into this very important issue. It is from Martin Copenhaver, from his devotional “The Gospel in Miniature.” I pray his words might be a first step on the road to healing for those who lack intimacy with, "Our Father who art in heaven..." Enjoy.

“When we cry “Abba! Father!” it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit, that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.”

Martin Luther mused that Joseph must have been a wonderful father, since Jesus chose to address God as ‘Father.’ (Luther said that his relationship with his own father was so difficult that he couldn’t address God as Father without shuddering.)

But the term Jesus used is even more remarkable – Abba – which is an intimate term of endearment, more like “Papa” or “Daddy.” The word comes from the gurgling sounds that an infant makes before she has learned to talk. It is the first “word” an infant utters, and it’s typical of a father to assume that the word refers to him: “She’s talking to me!”

When Jesus addresses God as ‘Abba’ it reflects the intimacy of his relationship with God, like an infant’s close and trusting relationship with a nurturing parent. When Jesus calls God ‘Abba,’ it also makes clear that even before we have the right words – or any words at all – we have enough with which to approach God. Even our wordless gurgles, or sighs too deep for words, can be enough.

That someone could have such a close relationship with God is remarkable. But the apostle Paul goes on to affirm a still more remarkable truth: Through Jesus, we are invited to have that same kind of relationship with God as well. Not only is Jesus the Son of God, but through him we are God’s daughters and sons, and God is our ‘Abba,’ too.”

A. W. Tozer once stated that the most important thing about any man is what he in his inner heart of hearts envisions when he thinks of God. He was probably right. The question that needs to be answered, then, is: What is it that you envision when you think of God? A loving Father? A caring Dad? One who is for you and not against you? One who would sacrifice for you? Or, like Luther (whose dad would likely be called physically and verbally abusive today) do you shudder to think of God as Father? Do you picture a Father who because of Jesus delights in you, or even with Jesus is disappointed with you?

Depending on your answer, it can be a dilemma that hinders your relationship with God as well as your prayer life – since the two are so closely connected. Yet, part of the process of growing in Jesus is to realize that God is a good Father; better by far than the best of all earthly fathers (Matt. 7:9-11 / Heb. 12:7-11).

It has helped some to start down the road to healing by realizing the Father is like Jesus, and Jesus is like the Father. “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.” (Heb. 1:3). One lady I knew who struggled praying to God as Father, found she could pray to Jesus with an intimacy she could not attain (because of her past experiences) when she addressed God as Father (just like Luther). Even realizing what has caused that inner heart-image of God to be distorted, can help the healing process and lead to increased intimacy with God in one’s prayer life.

In the Bonds of Christian Fellowship, Pastor Jeff


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