Dear Friends, Today I offer you gleanings from a book I picked up yesterday (used) at a Thrift Shop – “The Wisdom of the Saints.” I have occasionally told people that if they desire to be wise (a very lacking and much needed virtue these days!) one of the ways to become wise is to read the books of those who were wise. Therefore, I offer you some samples of wisdom sayings by wise saints of the past. Some you will recognize some of their words because they are still spread around today. I picked 20 of my favorites. Enjoy. “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as if everything depended on you.” St. Augustine (354-430 A.D.) “Nothing can happen to me that God doesn’t want. And all that He wants, no matter how bad it may appear to us, is really for the best… Earth has no sorrow that heaven can’t heal.” Thomas More (1478-1535 A.D.) “The first end I propose in our daily work is to do the will of God; secondly, to do it in the manner He wills it; and thirdly, to do ...
Encouraging and Inspirational Christian Thoughts