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Thoughts From Bryan Chapell

Dear Friends,

Ever wondered if your work matters to God? Is it just a way to support yourself, or if married, yourself and your family? In our adult gathering this past Sunday before the worship service, the Adult Class was talking about “How Do We Follow God Fully?” (Numbers 14:24, Joshua 14:8, 9, 14). So, we spoke about what might that have looked like then, and what would it look like today.

Then, today, I found the following post by Bryan Chapell. It addresses one of the things we were speaking about in that regard – our work. It is taken from his book, “Grace at Work: Redeeming the Grind and Glory of Your Job.” It deals with what the Bible teaches about work, and how the gospel makes our jobs instruments of his grace. Better yet, it helps us see how our jobs can be filled with transcendent meaning and actually be an expression of our worship/service to God. Enjoy.

“What we are doing on Sunday is not separate from the real world; it's the full reality of God's people recognizing his glory. But what I also want people to be able to do is to recognize that holy ground is always where God's people are doing honest work. When you do your job on Monday through Friday, or Saturday — or whatever your work shift is — with honesty and integrity, selflessly reflecting the character and the care of God, you are on holy ground. You are a priest of God in your workplace.

I know that sounds strange, but you're representing. That's what a priest does. A priest represents the glory of God by showing his character and care to his people. Every person who says: “I’m going to ask the question, ‘How would Jesus do my job? How would he speak to people? What would his priorities be? How would he care about other people and do the job? How would he give an honest day's work for the salary that he's receiving? If you're willing to ask those questions, you walk on holy ground, and God will honor the work you do.

And he'll let you take the resources and the skills and the gifts he has put into your heart and mind and life and give you opportunities to express them. It may require some sacrifice. I know that. But if you will live for Christ, he will honor his own name, and you will be doing eternal things in your earthly job. Every honest job lets you walk on holy ground.”

One does not need to be a pastor, priest, missionary, or full-time Christian worker serving in a Christian organization to be serving the Lord “fully.” If there was anything Luther straightened out (in addition to the Gospel) at the time of the Reformation, it was that! We are all “priests unto God” and therefore anyone can serve God “fully” if they do all they do to the glory of God.

When Paul wrote, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God” (I Cor. 10:31), he made all honest and non-sinful pursuits God-honoring expressions of witness and worship. The same was true when he said, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward” (Col. 3:23-24).

My mother once heard a pastor preach that if she as a mom made a bed to the glory of God, it was an act of God-honoring service and worship. And if you saw how she made one, you would agree! Perfect folds, centered and puffed-up pillows, no wrinkles in the sheets, everything lined up similar to what one finds in a nice hotel when they arrive! She did it for Him. Don't get me wrong, as kids we were required to make our own beds every day, and we did – but when we got home from school, they always looked so much better than when we’d left! Why? We did it because we had to, she did it to the glory of God – and you could see the difference.

In His Service, Pastor Jeff


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