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Thoughts From the Once-A-Day Devotional: Walk With Jesus

Dear Friends,

Today I send out a "thought" that is simply an often needed reminder: the truth that serving Jesus is necessary, but stilling ourselves before Him, to learn from Him and adore Him, is better. This selection comes from the, Once-a-Day Devotional: Walk With Jesus. The entry is entitled, "Discovering the One Necessary Thing." Enjoy.

Few things are needed, indeed only one.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.   Luke 10:42

"How do you show God that you love him? You might answer that question by listing how often you go to church. Or attend Bible Study. Or teach a Sunday School class. Or give an offering. But in the final analysis, your activities for God aren't the best barometer of your adoration. Your attitude toward him is.

A. W. Tozer explains that God wants more than just our output: "Some Christians feel it is a mark of spirituality to attend banquets, seminars, workshops, and conferences week after week. This brings up a lesson concerning Martha and Mary. I think it is plain that Martha loved Jesus, but her concept of devotion was activity. Mary also loved Jesus, but with a different attitude in her devotion. She was fervently occupied in spirit with her love for him. Our Lord marked the distinction then, and he marks the distinction today. Jesus commended Mary for knowing that one thing is necessary -- that God should be loved and praised above any other business which may occupy us bodily, mentally, or spiritually. He wants first an inner experience of the heart, and from that will grow the profound and divine activities which are necessary."

Our response?
Slow me down Lord. Keep me from becoming so engrossed in working for you that I fail to nurture our relationship. I have often felt the exhaustion of activity. Today let me experience a bit of the joy Mary felt - the joy of adoration. Teach me how to say "I love you Lord" while standing still. In the name of him who first demonstrated what worship is all about. Amen."

I have to say I've seen the fruit of not taking the truth of Luke 10:42 to heart. It's called burn-out. Exhaustion. Ministering from an empty well. In my 11 years pastoring in Honduras I counseled with missionaries who had been so busy serving God (and doing all those things they felt their supporters expected them to do in order to continue receiving their support) that they actually lost touch with God in the process of serving Him with all their unabated activity.

Serving the Lord is important and necessary. The work of the kingdom requires workers! But that work should never be done to the extent that we become so spiritually depleted or disconnected from God (sometimes confusing the adrenalin rush of achievement and accomplishment with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit) that we wake up one day feeling emotionally numb and wondering if God has abandoned us.

Personal time with the Lord is essential. Labor is necessary, but times of personal adoration and corporate worship (where we receive instead of giving) are indispensable. The Lord is not only worthy of our praise, He refreshes us when we take time to, "be still and know that He is God" (Psalm. 46:10). It feeds our soul and fills our well.

What Martha sought to offer Jesus at that time was good. What Mary did offer Jesus was better. "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1), but the one activity that can never be neglected for long (without great negative consequence to the health our souls) is the activity of being still and adoring the LORD - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

We Need to Make Time to Love the Lord Who So Loves Us, Pastor Jeff


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