Dear Friends, A while back I purchased a book entitled, “Many Witnesses, One Lord” by William Barclay. In it he speaks of how each apostle has a slightly different emphasis when speaking of salvation and our relationship with Jesus. In today’s thought he compares Paul with Peter. Just as all the Gospel’s reflect a slightly different emphasis on the life of Jesus (especially in John’s Gospel), so also with the epistles. In today’s thought he considers what Peter chooses to focus on. It’s a good reminder of things we must never forget and foundational truths we must never let go of. Enjoy. “For Peter faith is a combination of unshakable loyalty and equally unshakable hope. It is not for Peter, as it was for Paul, a kind of inner union with Jesus Christ; it is rather deathless loyalty responding to deathless love in immortal hope. Salvation for Peter is something which is at the end of the road, rather than it is for Paul a present experience [of course, in reality it i...
Encouraging and Inspirational Christian Thoughts