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Thoughts From Brock Kidd

Dear Friends,

Most of us can surely relate to the scene described below. For we've all seen, or been the unexpected recipient of the impatient haste, aggravation, and even anger (road rage?) of drivers in a rush to get somewhere faster than us. On one occasion, though going the speed limit (actually, to be honest, a little bit over it), I looked in my rear view mirror to see a man (less than a car length behind me) angrily giving me a hand gesture! Seconds later he passed me by (double yellow line line and all) and made sure I saw the gesture as he passed. Thankfully I couldn't hear what he was saying!

Who knows? Maybe it was an emergency and he needed to get somewhere quick - like the hospital. Yet even if he did, how could I know that? Well, today's selection shares a somewhat similar story - with a little twist at the end. One that made me think, and will hopefully do the same for you. It's by Brock Kidd and comes from the 2018 Daily Guideposts. Enjoy.

"They do not practice what they preach."
Matthew 23:3

"I was walking to the sandwich shop and heard a long honk from the parking lot across the street. As my eyes followed the sound, I saw a furious lady leaning out her car window. She was shouting obscenities and making rude hand gestures at an elderly gentleman who, it seemed, accidentally backed out in front of her. She was at least a car length away from the gentleman who was backing up, and it was entirely possible her car had not been visible to him. I couldn’t help thinking she must have felt she had a right to take “her half out of the middle” as she traveled through life. That sense of entitlement was in her display.

I was amazed at the depth of her anger. Why didn’t she simply stop and allow the man to exit his parking spot? Instead, she continued to lean on the horn until he pulled back in and waved apologetically to her. He smiled and mouthed, “I’m sorry,” as she screeched by and shook her head in disgust.

As she pulled away, I noticed a glowing cross sticker on her rear window, an advertisement to everyone that she was a Christian. “False advertising,” I said out loud. But then, just as quickly, I had to ask myself, how many times have I, “not practiced what I preach”? I made my way to the shop and decided to strengthen my resolve to try my best to be who I say I am.

'Father, following Your way is not an easy job.  Give me the wisdom to stay on Your path. Amen.'

The man who sped by me on the road did not have a Christian bumper sticker on his car. Yet, I'm pretty sure that if he did, I would have mumbled something similar to what Brock did in this case. After all, we all know its "bad advertising" when those who broadcast their Christian faith act in very non-Christain ways. "Better," we think, "if they didn't advertise it at all, than to advertise it and act in a way contrary to it."

Yet, it's helpful to remember that that includes all of us at one time or another, since perfection is not possible in this life. In fact, that's why we need the Gospel in the first place. Because, "ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." And that sinning or falling short in our life and practice, is something that does not stop when we come to Christ. That's why it's so amazing that God chose to forgive us, declare us not guilty, free us from any and all condemnation, and count as righteous for Jesus' sake - even though we did, and still do, sin and fail and mess up.

So, what should the knowledge of all that do? It should humble us. It should make us grateful for God's great mercy. It should make us realize how much we've received that we do not deserve, and then step back and consider how we might show that same type of underserved grace to others. As recipients of such a great love (that we could never be worthy of) it should make us yearn to please the One who has been so kind to us and be a reminder to ask God for the grace to live what we profess.

In this sense, the failings of others (as Brock points out) can be an opportunity for us to ask ourselves, "How many times have I not practiced what I preach?" And knowing that we have fallen short, ask the Father who has covenanted to love us forever for the strength, awareness, and wisdom to be just a little bit more like the person He calls us to be.

Yours in the Bonds of His Grace, Pastor Jeff


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