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Showing posts from February, 2025

Thoughts On Humility

Dear Friends, For today I decided to send out some “thoughts” relating to a virtue that is rapidly disappearing from our culture – humility. That may be unavoidable in a self-centered society where many people think humility is self-detrimental, or leads to being a doormat, so they reject it. Others think it means putting yourself down, or they mistake false humility for the real thing, and thus rightfully reject it – since false humility is a form of self-righteousness and thus repulsive. Still others have truly tried to be humble, not realizing that by doing so you need to focus on you – the very thing that will ensure it never happens! So today I am putting in a plug for the restoration of true humility – especially in the Church – since without humility it is not possible to be like Christ, of whom we are told, He was “Gentle and humble of heart” (Matthew 11:29). Enjoy. HUMILITY "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, in hu...

Thoughts on the Moravian Revival

Dear Friends, I have told many that if I was not a pastor, I would be a history teacher! History thrills me! Any history, but church history in particular. Therefore, today, I would like to share one of my favorite events in church history. It is the Moravian Revival or Moravian Pentecost of 1727. It’s too significant of an event for you NOT to know about! So, I offer you this condensed summary, hoping it inspires you as much as it has me. Thanks given to Tony Cauchi whose post on “The Revival Library” ( ) much of this material was borrowed from and expanded upon. Enjoy! Who Are We Talking About? The Moravians were the spiritual descendants of Jan Hus, the Czechoslovakian reformer/martyr who took his stand on the biblical Gospel of “Grace alone, by Faith alone through Christ alone” and paid for it with his life on July 6, 1415 –just over 100 years before Luther posted his 95 theses on the door of t...