Dear Friends, For today I decided to send out some “thoughts” relating to a virtue that is rapidly disappearing from our culture – humility. That may be unavoidable in a self-centered society where many people think humility is self-detrimental, or leads to being a doormat, so they reject it. Others think it means putting yourself down, or they mistake false humility for the real thing, and thus rightfully reject it – since false humility is a form of self-righteousness and thus repulsive. Still others have truly tried to be humble, not realizing that by doing so you need to focus on you – the very thing that will ensure it never happens! So today I am putting in a plug for the restoration of true humility – especially in the Church – since without humility it is not possible to be like Christ, of whom we are told, He was “Gentle and humble of heart” (Matthew 11:29). Enjoy. HUMILITY "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, in hu...
Encouraging and Inspirational Christian Thoughts