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Showing posts from March, 2023

Thoughts From C.S. Lewis

Dear Friends, In early 1941 England had survived a series of massive German air attacks that included bombing London for 57 days and nights straight. Tens of thousands of civilians were killed, and a million houses destroyed or damaged. To say the British people were extremely concerned and even scared about their future would be an understatement. So, the BBC made a decision to broadcast more religious content, inviting Oxford professor C. S. Lewis to give regular 10-15 minute talks about the Chrisitian faith. One that aired in the Fall of 1942 was called, “The Great Sin.” Actually, given what Lewis says, it could have been called, “The Greatest Sin.” Yet, the sin he picks may surprise you! I have included a good portion of the broadcast’s contents below. Enjoy. “There is one vice of which no man in the world is free, which everyone in the world loathes when he sees it in someone else, and of which hardly any people (except Christians) ever imagine that they are guilty themselv...

More Thoughts From Charles Spurgeon

Dear Friends, Have you ever thought back on your earliest days in the faith? In this excerpt written by Charles Spurgeon entitled, "Spring in the Heart" he does just that. He compares the blessedness of Christian maturity with the blessedness of our first love for Jesus. I found it insightful. You may too. Enjoy. Spring in the Heart Maturity vs. the Blessedness of Being Young in the Faith "In looking back upon the ‘springtime’ of my Christian walk, I sometimes think God blessed me then in a way in which I wish he would bless me now. An apple tree when loaded with apples is a very desirable sight, but for beauty, give me the apple tree in bloom… There are few things in the whole world that excel it in beauty. In a similar way, a full-grown Christian laden with fruit is a blessed sight, but still there is a peculiar blessedness about the young Christian in bloom. Let me just tell you wha...

Thoughts From Charles Spurgeon

Dear Friends, Today’s “thought” is about two conversions that took place under the ministry of Charles Spurgeon shortly after he started preaching at 16-17 years old. Yes, you heard that right – 16 to 17 years old! I took this (and shortened it) from The Spurgeon Center . It is entitled, “Spurgeon’s First Two Converts (And The One That Got Away).” It is interesting to say the least! Enjoy. “Sixteen-year-old Spurgeon began preaching in 1851, only months after his surprising conversion in a Colchester blizzard. Spurgeon was youthful, zealous, and full of energy. Pride lurked in his heart, but the teenager combated his “darling sin” with prayer, fasting, and meditation on Scripture… He joined a group of young men who traveled throughout the country preaching in cottages and small chapels. One of them— Waterbeach Chapel —invited Spurgeon to be their pastor and he accepted the pastorate of this dying little church with only a few dozen members… Within three years, almost 400 people cra...

Thoughts From Henri Nouwen

Dear Friends, How does one sustain their spiritual life in a busy, noisy, distracted, pleasure-seeking, and materialistic culture? It’s a question we should all ask at one time or another, since it is by no means an easy task. The world is not neutral to the things of God. It is heavily weighted in the opposite direction. It would rather drag our attention away from God if it is at all possible. The Bible tells us to, “Fix your eyes on Jesus…,” but the world would rather have us fix our eyes on anything but Jesus! In this regard today’s selection from Henri Nouwen’s short but helpful book, “Making All Things New – An Invitation to the Spiritual Life” gives us some wise pointers. It shows us that which detracts from the "spiritual" life, and offers insights into that which will facilitate it. I pray his words may simply whet your appetite to read more about the causes and cures he lays out in the later chapters. Enjoy. “One of the most obvious characteristics of ou...