Dear Friends, In early 1941 England had survived a series of massive German air attacks that included bombing London for 57 days and nights straight. Tens of thousands of civilians were killed, and a million houses destroyed or damaged. To say the British people were extremely concerned and even scared about their future would be an understatement. So, the BBC made a decision to broadcast more religious content, inviting Oxford professor C. S. Lewis to give regular 10-15 minute talks about the Chrisitian faith. One that aired in the Fall of 1942 was called, “The Great Sin.” Actually, given what Lewis says, it could have been called, “The Greatest Sin.” Yet, the sin he picks may surprise you! I have included a good portion of the broadcast’s contents below. Enjoy. “There is one vice of which no man in the world is free, which everyone in the world loathes when he sees it in someone else, and of which hardly any people (except Christians) ever imagine that they are guilty themselv...
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