Dear Friends, Pastor Jeff here. It has been a while. Seven weeks to be exact. For those who do not know, halfway through my vacation in September, I apparently did something that so injured my kidneys they essentially died or stopped functioning completely for weeks (neither I nor any doctor in the many hospitals I’ve been in since know what that was). Yet, to make a long story short, God has been wonderfully merciful and has slowly resurrected them from the dead, for which I am so thankful. Not totally back to where I was but I am a long way from almost going to be with him on Thursday Oct. 17. In light of all that many questions, thoughts and concerns went through my mind. And at least one result was the thought below. I do not usually send out thoughts I put together, but those of others. This time is an exception. I wanted (felt I needed) to pass this along as it was helpful to me during one of the darkest times of my life. Hopefully it will minister to someone else who may...
Dear Friends, Life is not always easy. Things come our way that inflict pain and wound the heart. Sickness can steal away our energy and strength for a time – though it is more difficult when it is chronic. My father was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis at the age of 43 and struggled with its effects until he passed away at 85 – being told close to that time that his physical body was like that of a 110-year-old. Being in constant pain earned him the occasional nick-name, “Grumpy Grampy.” I could understand why. Pain is no fun. I’m not the easiest to be around when I’m in constant pain either. And as John Owen once pointed out, “It is not the intensity of the trial, but its longevity, that eats away at our resolve.” Therefore, if you are struggling in this area (or know someone who is), today I offer you some helpful words from Charles Spurgeon. Yet, it helps to point out he was not giving advice as one who did not himself struggle. He battled much of his life with depressi...